Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tough Little Guys

Sea monkeys are incredibly tough little guys. Even though most of my population was wiped out immediately when I transferred them to the new tank, I've been seeing 2-3 sea monkeys at a time moving around in there until yesterday, when I'm sorry to say the last one must have died.

It's amazing to think of what they can endure. I hate that they were suffering...I had a little water left in the old tank, and I considered trying to rescue them. However, on the advice of a responsible fish owner, I decided not to shock them again by moving them a second time, even if it was to more hospitable conditions.

I still can't bring myself quite yet to turn the pump off, just in case there are one or two still alive hidden in the fake plant. I am going away this weekend, and I will be picking up some brine shrimp eggs and aquarium or sea salt (since there seems to be no preference, I will just get whatever is cheaper). Next week I begin setting up the tank again!

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