Saturday, June 18, 2011


So, I got overexcited, and overconfident, and screwed up, and currently my entire sea monkey population has been decimated.

The problem is this:

I was so excited about getting a bigger tank that I didn't take the time to make their transition as stress-free as possible. I should have done more research to find out what salinity would be best, and I DEFINITELY should not have used table salt. Because I used table salt when I did my first water change, and the population seemed to be holding steady, I got overconfident and thought that table salt would be okay. Stupid. Table salt has some stuff in it that aquarium or pure sea salt does not, like iodine.

Why is the water cloudy like that? Too much salt? I have no idea. But instead of making sure things were okay, I just waited a couple of days and then basically dumped my current tank into the bigger one.

It's been a few days now, and from what I can see in the cloudy water (which isn't much), I have one sea monkey left of the population of 15-20 that was holding steady in the smaller tank.

Sigh. Failure #1.

I am not going to give up, though. The next step is to get brine shrimp eggs and try to hatch them in the new tank, once I do some more research. Now that I have an idea of what sea monkeys are like, I will be able to tell if there are any real differences between them and "regular" brine shrimp.

So, I probably won't be making any posts for a week or two, but the page links should be growing as I find more information about sea monkeys and brine shrimp. After that, it'll be time to get some eggs and try again!

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